Dawn Brubakken, LCSW, S.C.
she / her
608.237.8000 x 108
As an experienced therapist, I specialize in sexualized behaviors, such as addiction and offending behaviors. LGBTQIA2S+, gender dysphoria, PTSD, and survivors are also a large part of my practice. I believe that everyone needs a supportive and confidential environment to work through issues and create positive change.
About me:
My Approach
I see adults, adolescents, parents, seniors, families, and groups.
Treatment Specialties:
I work with a variety of sexual behaviors, concerns, and disorders, including offending behaviors, sexual orientation, gender dysphoria, cyber related sex, and sexual compulsivity issues. This can and often includes parents of sexualized children and the treatment of intra-familial sexual abuse. I also provide therapy for partners and families affected by
sexual trauma and victims of sexual perpetration.
Additionally, I offer treatment in a trauma informed care model for a variety of issues related to past and current traumas. I provide family therapy for addictions, for blended family dynamics, and for other systemic family problems.
I also treat a variety of mood related disorders, including depression, anxiety, compulsivity, PTSD, and others.
Training & Experience:
I am a Masters Prepared Clinician with over 30 years of experience providing treatment to adolescents and adults suffering from traumas, compulsive behaviors, dysfunctional family systems, and pervasive mood disorders. I am a very seasoned professional and strive to meet you where you are in your journey to have a better life.